The OpenEXR Python Module

The OpenEXR python module provides basic access to data in EXR image files. The read and write methods use python dictionaries for header metadata and numpy arrays for pixel data.

To install the OpenEXR module:

% pip install OpenEXR

The module is specifically designed for maximum simplicity and ease of use, not for high performance. If your application deals with especially large data files, is particular about memory management, or needs low level operations like reading specific scanlines or tiles, this may not be the module for you. But if your application is comfortable reading entire files into memory and can deal with pixel data in numpy arrays, the OpenEXR module is a suitable option.

A Note about Backwards Compatibility

The v3.3 release of the OpenEXR module provides an entirely new API in the form of the OpenEXR.File object. This API is full-featured and fully supported going forward.

The original implementation of the OpenEXR python bindings prior to the v3.3 release used the InputFile and OutputFile objects. This API is limited in scope, and is now deprecated. It is still distributed as is for backwards compatibility, but usage is discouraged.

Example Images

See Test Images for example images to experiment with.

Reading and Writing in a Nutshell

Generate random RGB data and write it to an EXR file:

import OpenEXR

height, width = (1080, 1920)
RGB = np.random.rand(height, width, 3).astype('float32')
channels = { "RGB" : RGB }
header = { "compression" : OpenEXR.ZIP_COMPRESSION,
           "type" : OpenEXR.scanlineimage }

with OpenEXR.File(header, channels) as outfile:

This creates a scanline image of size 10x20 pixels with R, G, and B channels of type float, initialized to random values, and writes it to the file test.exr, compressed with ZIP compression.

Correspondingly, to read an image and print its pixel data:

import OpenEXR

with OpenEXR.File("image.exr") as infile:

    header = infile.header()

    RGB = infile.channels()["RGB"].pixels
    height, width = RGB.shape[0:2]
    for y in range(height):
        for x in range(width):
            pixel = (RGB[y, x, 0], RGB[y, x, 1], RGB[y, x, 2])

Reading EXR Files with OpenEXR.File

The basic construct of the OpenEXR module is the File object. Construct a File object with a filename as the parameter and it reads the image data into the object:

>>> exrfile = OpenEXR.File("StillLife.exr")


An EXR file consists of a list called parts of one or more parts, which the OpenEXR python module represents with the Part object. A part consists of a dictionary called header that holds the attribute metadata, and a dictionary called channels that hold the pixel data.

>>> exrfile = OpenEXR.File("StillLife.exr")
>>> part =[0]
>>> part.height()
>>> part.width()

>>> for name,value in part.header.items():
...   print(name, value)
capDate 2002:06:23 21:30:10
channels [Channel("A", xSampling=1, ySampling=1), Channel("B", xSampling=1, ySampling=1), Channel("G", xSampling=1, ySampling=1), Channel("R", xSampling=1, ySampling=1)]
compression Compression.PIZ_COMPRESSION
dataWindow (array([0, 0], dtype=int32), array([1239,  845], dtype=int32))
displayWindow (array([0, 0], dtype=int32), array([1239,  845], dtype=int32))
lineOrder LineOrder.INCREASING_Y
owner Copyright 2002 Industrial Light & Magic
pixelAspectRatio 1.0
preview PreviewImage(100, 68)
screenWindowCenter [0. 0.]
screenWindowWidth 0.44999998807907104
type Storage.scanlineimage
utcOffset 25200.0

>>> for name,channel in part.channels.items():
...   print(name, channel, channel.pixels.shape, channel.pixels.dtype)
RGBA Channel("RGBA", xSampling=1, ySampling=1) (846, 1240, 4) float16

Since many common EXR files have only a single part, for convenience, the File object has header() and channels() methods that

Header Metadata

The File object’s header() method returns a dictionary holding the file’s metadata. The dictionary key is the metadata attribute name, and the dictionary value is an object holding the attribute value.

An EXR file header can store metadata attributes with any name, but see Standard Attributes for a complete description of the standard attributes in an EXR file, both required and optional, which have strictly enforced types.

Supported types of metadata are:

  • string

  • list of strings

  • integer

  • float

  • list of floats

  • V2i, V2f, V2d, V3i, V3f, V3d - 2D and 3D vectors, represented as 2x1 or 3x1 numpy arrays with a dtype of int32, float32, or float64.

  • M33f, M33d, M44f, M44d - 3x3 or 4x4 matrices, represented as 3x3 or 4x4 numpy arrays with a dtype of float32 or float64.

  • Box2i, Box2f - bounding boxes, represented as tuples of numpy arrays (min and max) with a dtype of int32 or float32.

The OpenEXR module has enumerated types for certain attributes:

attribute name type values


  • OpenEXR.scanlineimage
  • OpenEXR.tiledimage
  • OpenEXR.deepscanline
  • OpenEXR.deeptile





The dataWindow Attribute and Image Size

The dataWindow attribute is especially important. Its size matches the shape of the channel pixel arrays. The min of the dataWindow attribute specifies the row/column coordinate of the pixel at the origin of the image. However, the numpy arrays holding the pixel data are not offset by this value.

>>> min,max = exrfile.header()["dataWindow"]
>>> height = max[1] - min[1] + 1
>>> width = max[0] - min[0] + 1
>>> height,width
(846, 1240)


The channels() method of the File object returns a dictionary holding pixel data. The key is the channel name and the value is a Channel object.

The Channel object has a pixels field that is a 2D numpy array holding the pixel data. Supported types are uint32, float16, and float32.

For parts that contain RGB data, where the file contains separate R, G, B, and optionally A channels, the channels dictionary holds a single channel named RGB and with a numpy array of shape (height, width, 3), or RGBA and a numpy array of shape (height, width, 4) if there is alpha.

All channels within a part have the same width and height, and thus the same pixel array shape.

For single-part files, channels() returns the image channels for the file. For multi-part files, channels() takes a part number as argument and returns the channels for that part:

>>> for p in range(len(
...   for name,channel in exrfile.channels(p).items():
...     print(name, channel.pixels.shape, channel.pixels.dtype)
RGBA (846, 1240, 4) float16

The channel object also has xSampling, ySampling, and pLinear fields that hold the channel’s subsampling values and plinear setting used for DWA compression. The default sampling values are 1 and are only used for luminance subsampling.

Pixel Arrays

The first dimension of a channel’s pixels array is the image height. The second dimension is the image width. All channels of a part must have the same width and height. It’s an error to create or write a File object with channels of different shapes. The Part object has height() and width() methods that return the image dimension. You can, of course, query the dimension of a channel via the pixel array itself.

>>> part =[0]
>>> dw = part.header['dataWindow']
>>> height = part.height()
>>> width = part.width()
>>> for name,channel in part.channels.items():
...   print(name, channel.pixels.shape, height, width, dw)
(846, 1240, 4) 846 1240 (array([0, 0], dtype=int32), array([1239,  845], dtype=int32))

The File object allocates space for the pixel arrays upon read. There is no mechanism to provide memory addresses for the pixel arrays.

Pixel Array Data Layout

Although the OpenEXR file format supports channels of arbitrary name and number of type uint32, float16, and float32, most programs working with OpenEXR files expect this data to represent pixels, so it’s more convenient to group R, G, B, and A channels together. By default, the File object does this and returns a channel with name RGB and a numpy array of shape (height, width, 3), or RGBA and a numpy array of shape (height, width, 4) if there is alpha.

The File() object constructor takes an optional separate_channels argument, False by default, but if True, it skips the channel grouping and returns each channel as a separate 2D numpy array.

Tiled Images

The File object reads tiled EXR images into pixel arrays just the same as scanline images.

Although the EXR format supports multiple tile levels, currently, the API provides no access to these levels.

Deep Images

Deep EXR files store an arbitrary number of data values per pixel. For deep parts, the Channel object’s pixels array has a dtype of object, which is in turn a 1D numpy array holding the deep samples for that pixel. Supported types for the deep sample array are uint32, float16, and float32.

If the deep sample array object for a given pixel is None, there are no samples for that pixel.

RGB = infile.channels()["RGB"].pixels
height, width = R.shape
for y in range(height):
    for x in range(width):
        if R[y,x].dtype == None:
            print(f"No samples for pixel {y},{x}")
            for i in range(RGB[y,x].shape(0)):
                print(f"pixel {y},{x} sample[{i}]: {RGB[y,x]}")

All channel within a given deep part must have the same number of samples, so the deep sample arrays for all channels have the same size and shape.

Writing EXR Files with OpenEXR.File

To write an EXR file, construct a File object and call the write() method.

For single-part files, the File object constructor takes a dictionary for the header and a dictionary for the channels.

Construct the channels dict with values that are either numpy arrays or Channel objects if you need to specify the xSampling, ySampling, or pLinear values.

The channel pixel arrays must have a dtype of uint32, float16, or float32.

All channel pixel arrays within a given part must have the same dimenions. The write method will throw an exception if they are not.

height, width = (20, 10)
RGB = np.random.rand(height, width, 3).astype('f')
channels = { "RGB" : RGB }
header = { "compression" : OpenEXR.ZIP_COMPRESSION,
           "type" : OpenEXR.scanlineimage }

with OpenEXR.File(header, channels) as outfile:

Writing Multi-Part EXR Files

For multi-part images, pass the File constructor a list of Part objects, each of which holds the header and channels dicts.

height, width = (20, 10)
Z0 = np.zeros((height, width), dtype='float32')
Z1 = np.ones((height, width), dtype='ffloat32')

P0 = OpenEXR.Part({}, {"Z" : Z0 })
P1 = OpenEXR.Part({}, {"Z" : Z1 })

f = OpenEXR.File([P0, P1])

with OpenEXR.File("multipart.exr") as o:
    assert[0].name() == "Part0"
    assert[0].width() == 10
    assert[0].height() == 20
    assert[1].name() == "Part1"
    assert[1].width() == 10
    assert[1].height() == 20

Writing Tiled EXR Files

To write a tiled image, set the type header attribute to OpenEXR.tiledimage and the tiles header attribute to an object of type OpenEXR.TileDescription with the appropriate settings.

height, width = (20, 10)

Z = np.zeros((height, width), dtype='f')
channels = { "Z" : Z }
header = {        "type" : OpenEXR.tiledimage,
                 "tiles" : OpenEXR.TileDescription(),
           "compression" : OpenEXR.ZIPSCOMPRESSION }

with OpenEXR.File(channels, header) as exrfile:

Writing Deep EXR Files

For deep images, the channel pixel arrays must have a dtype of object, or None for pixels with no samples. The object must be a numpy array with a dtype of uint32, float16, or float32.

height, width = (20, 10)

Z = np.empty((height, width), dtype=object)
for y in range(height):
    for x in range(width):
        Z[y, x] = np.array([y*width+x], dtype='float32')

channels = { "Z" : Z }
header = { "compression" : OpenEXR.ZIPS_COMPRESSION,
           "type" : OpenEXR.deepscanline }
with OpenEXR.File(header, channels) as outfile:

All deep pixel arrays within a given part must have the same number of samples, so the pixel arrays must have the same size and shape. The write method will throw an exception if they are not.